...Aperte iscrizioni al BETATESTING, di WFAS2 Caribbean! qui di seguito trovate le istruzioni per partecipare:...
Caribbean! — beta preparations


We’re now starting to accept applications of players who wish to take part in the upcoming Caribbean! beta testing for the community which will probably start in early December.

In order to partake in the beta please send us your nick on the forums and a couple words about yourself over here: beta_caribbean@snowbirdgames.com. This way it’ll be easier to sort everything out.

You’ll also need to register on our forums and leave a message in this thread so that we’ll be able to reach you later with instructions. You can just post there when you sent us a mail

Those who got in touch with us earlier don’t need to do it again, you’re already listed, though you’ll need to send a nickname you’re using here.

Thanks for you help in advance!

N.B.:...qui trovate la notizia sul Blog ufficiale:...
