Lunedì è uscita la versione 1.5.7 del Virtualdub. Lo trovate direttamente alla pagina dei download dove è disponibili la versione normale. Come per la 1.5.5 non vi è nessuna versione ottimizzata per Pentium 4.
Questa è una release bugfix e non contiente le nuove features che l'autore aveva in programma di aggiungere.
Ecco la lista dei cambiamenti:

Current build (1.5.7, stable): [October 20, 2003]
[bugs fixed]
* Quick preview didn't work if the current position was
past the number of source frames, even if the timeline
was longer than that.
* Added FPU guards that were missing in a couple of
critical places (AVIFile open, codec negotation).
* The timeline wasn't properly extended if segments were
auto-attached by filename after edits had been made.
* Configuration scripts saved when no file is open
no longer alter the edit list when loaded.
* Jobs launched from the command line used the normal
error modes rather than those set as default by the

[regressions fixed]
* Filter preview buttons weren't updating the frame.
* Save Image Sequence command would randomly produce
an unrequested job instead of initiating the render
* MP3 audio streams were getting written with
dwLength=0 if correction was enabled.
* MPEG decoder occasionally decoded garbage into the
video frame, resulting in sporadic block errors
during processing.
* A race condition in the fast write code occasionally
resulted in spurious write errors.
* Append AVI function was incrementing the filename
extension instead of the name component.
* Avisynth scripts smaller than 60 bytes weren't being
autodetected properly.