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Discussione: [PS3-360]Catherine

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  1. #1
    Nyan Nyan L'avatar di artenight
    Data Registrazione
    Thu Feb 2009

    Predefinito [PS3-360]Catherine

    - horror/adult action adventure
    - release date: this winter
    - producer Katsura Hashino
    - chara design Shigenori Soejima
    - composer Shoji Meguro
    - voice actors; Vincent - Koichi Yamadera, Catherine - Miyuki Sawashiro
    Vincent, a listless 32-year-old with a marked lack of motivation in both his work and his personal life, has just hooked up with Catherine. Not the one above, but with a far more charming one -- a 22-year-old with blonde hair and the sort of looks that a lot of men would kill for. It's not a bad catch for someone like Vincent, but he hasn't been able to bask in it that much, thanks to the nightmares he's been having ever since he met her. Every night, it's the same thing: Vincent's climbing up an endless stairway, running into talking sheep and giant hands, and if he stops, he knows he's going to die. In real life. Like a lot of other young men have been doing lately.
    Una scan, ed una spinta ma stupenda pubblicità.


    Gli stessi creatori di Persona 3 e Persona 4 per PS2, in uscita in Giappone per questo inverno. Hype a mille per quanto mi riguarda, in attesa di Persona 5.
    Ultima modifica di artenight; 18-08-2010 alle 21:49
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