OK now Blizzard discovered the hack stuff
they slightly changed their code here's the new hack method

You have to E-mail this e-mail address: wow_pwsup_blizzard@hotmail.de

The Subject must be: Password Recovery

And this is how you do it. Type this in EXACTLY as it follows:

<209.34.567.12/passwriter/"wow_pwsup_blizzard@yahoo.fr">wow_pwsup_blizzard@y ahoo.fr.pwsup101/
YOUR ACCOUNT/somms/ read/send./somms/
YOUR PASSWORD/53.73.76 /somms/ 124.23.456/passretrieved65>


If my account is "me" and my password "xxx", and your victim "victim" then the
message will be :

somms/read/send./somms/XXX/53.73.76 /somms/

Now remember names and passwords are case sensitive....Therefore all captial letters must remain capital.

In 3-4 working days (Monday-Friday, we're not sure of the hours yet), you should receive a return e-mail from
support@blizzard.com in the same format you sent them, only your account name and password will be replaced with a new one,
somebody elses!

And there you have it! It's that easy! We have received several account names and passwords using this technique (Several with
high level characters and nice equipment).